Monthly Maker Meet-Ups
Monthly(ish) specialized meet-up groups for connecting over your craft.
Our Maker Meet-Ups
Community is at the heart of everything we do at The Rivet, and we love nothing more than creating opportunities for makers to meet up with their maker-pals to catch up, share knowledge, and nerd out about whatever project they have in the works!

Monthly, first Wed, 6:00 - 9:00 PM- You and your yarn stash are invited to Fiber Friends, a monthly meet-up where you can join fellow fiber fanatics to co-work on your current projects.
Troubleshoot and learn in a casual setting with accountability buddies woven right in. Artist’s choice: knitting, sewing, crochet, embroidery, needlepoint, macrame, you name it.
*This meet-up is meant for co-working on solo projects; does not include instruction or supplies, though donated yarn is sometimes available.
*Since attendees provide their own supplies and projects, no clearance class is required to attend this meet-up.

Monthly, first Sun, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PMYou and your collection of clay tools are invited to Hand-Builders’ Hang, a monthly meet-up with fellow handy humans to co-work on your latest projects.
Nerd out over hand-building hacks, tools, and techniques in a casual, welcoming setting. Artist’s choice: slab work, coil building, sculpture, pinch pottery, carving.
*To ensure safety while using tools and proper clay recycling, a pottery clearance is required to attend this meet-up.
*This meet-up is meant for working on solo projects; does not include instruction or supplies. Utilize materials subscription or pay for firing clay by the pound.
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